Chances are you subscribed to our Substack through Twitter. Like in all social media, times are changing, and we’re committed to being a trusted connection with customers and followers wherever we maintain our accounts. We’re active on Twitter, but you may not know where else we engage a following.
Here are just 5 of the ways you can connect with us for service, updates, memes and more.
1️⃣ service: our website of course.
As a utility we offer customers service and cost-saving opportunities directly on our website That’s also where customers can try out our Discount Calculator, a simple way to answer quick questions and see which discount programs might meet their needs.
2️⃣ pics: instagram
In so many ways, infrastructure is art. Its subject includes structures, people, places, faces, forms, and functions. Submissions are from our social team as well as employees across the organization who know great content when the see it.
3️⃣ blog: medium
For long-form blog content, check out our Medium channel. So many stories surround our people, programs, and progress and that’s where you can read about them. People like Sabrina and Brian, projects like tunnels and stormwater management, and history of all kinds.
4️⃣ jobs: linkedin
With more than 700 employees and 200 different job titles, there is no shortage of opportunities that make clean water possible. Follow us on LinkedIn for content about careers and the people who have them.
5️⃣ toots: mastadon
Since 2009 we’ve explored emerging social platforms. We’re testing the waters of Mastadon, and if our customers have a presence there, we will too.
On the evolving social media landscape, we want to connect with you where it makes sense for both of us. See all our active social media accounts at